Minor Illness Clinic (Advance Clinical Practitioners and Independent Nurse Prescriber)
- Sore throats / earaches
- Coughs/chest infections
- Asthma attacks
- Skin rashes
- Pain advice
- Minor injuries
- Stings and bites
- Fungal infections
- Cold sores
- Diarrhoea and vomiting
- Emergency contraception
- Thrush/swabs
- Back problems
- Eye problems
Antenatal Clinics
Just found out your pregnant? Book to meet your Midwife to plan your care. To make contact go to https://www.esht.nhs.uk/maternity/referral.
The Antenatal Clinic is held every Thursday. Appointments should be made via Reception.
Child Health
Six week checks are carried out by the Doctor and Health Visitor. Further child development assessments are carried out by the Health Visitors. Appointments are sent through the post.
Immunisation/Vaccination Clinics
By appointment with the practice nurse.
Influenza Vaccination
In October every year we ask all patients over the age of 65, or patients with a history of chronic illness, to have a flu vaccination.
If you are over 60 or are ‘at risk’ you are also elligible to have a pneumonia vaccination. If you are unsure please ask at Reception.
Minor Surgery
Minor Surgery (under local anaesthetic) is carried out on a Thursday afternoon, by appointment. Cryo Clinics for the treatment of warts and verrucas are also available.
Asthma, Diabetes and CHD Clinics
Specific clinics are run by the Practice Nurse and Doctor for the management of Asthma, Diabetes and Chronic Health Disease. The aim is to improve the control of these conditions by giving people a better understanding of the condition and its management.
Well Woman Clinics
All our female patients between the ages of 25 and 49 are advised to have cervical screening test every three years. Over 49s are advised to have one every five years. Appointments are available with our Practice Nurse or Advanced Nurse Practitioner.
Health Promotion Clinics
These are available to all our patients and include advice on heart disease preventions, blood pressure checks, stopping smoking, alchohol, diet and the importance of the correct exercise and weight control, by appointment with the Nurse.
Patients between 16 and 74 years of age are welcome to make an appointment for a general health check, if they have not been seen for 3 years or more. Patients over 75 years of age are welcome to make appointments once a year for a health check, if they have not been seen at the surgery for any other reason during the last 12 months.
Community Mental Health Team
Are based at Battle Health Centre – 01424 776555.