The Practice is part of NHS Hastings & Rother CCG. Their address is Bexhill Hospital, Holliers Hill, Bexhill, TN40 2DZ. Telephone: 0300 131 4411.
Click on the links to find more information for patients.
Telephone: 01797 223230
The Practice is part of NHS Hastings & Rother CCG. Their address is Bexhill Hospital, Holliers Hill, Bexhill, TN40 2DZ. Telephone: 0300 131 4411.
Click on the links to find more information for patients.
GP/Nurse Practitioner Monday 08.40 – 12.10 – Main surgery 14.00 – 18.20 – Main surgery Tuesday 08.10 – 10.50 – Main surgery 13.10 – 16.20 – Main surgery Wednesday 09.10...
There is good access for the disabled to some of our consultation rooms. A designated parking bay is adjacent to the surgery entrance and the surgery has wide doors to...
We have an on-site dispensary here at Ferry Road. If you live a mile or more away from a chemist then you can have your medication dispensed by us here...
March 2023 All GP practices are required to declare the mean earnings (e.g. average pay) for GPs working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice. However, it should...
You can plan how to get here on this useful website service Traveline Our post code is TN31 7DN
Conquest Hospital : 0300 131 4500 Rye Memorial Care Centre : 01797 224499 Ore Clinic : 01424 420801 Boots Chemist : 01797 222308 Day Lewis : 01797 222241 Rye & District Community Transport: 01797 227722...
Ferry Road Health Centre is an accredited Veteran Friendly GP Practice. We are proud to support our Armed Forces community. Our accreditation shows we can deliver the best possible care...
Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 5th August, 2019