The surgery has a very active PPG who run informative events throughout the year. It acts as a means for patients to express opinions about the Practice and is involved in fund raising for specialist equipment for the benefit of patients.
Our aims are:
- To give doctors and patients the opportunity to discuss topics of mutual interest in the Practice.
- To provide the means for patients to make positive suggestions about the Practice and their Healthcare.
- To encourage health education activities within the Practice.
- To develop support and self-help groups to meet the needs of all Patients.
- To act as a representative group to influence the local provision of Health and Social care.
- To undertake fund raising in order to provide extra facilities for the Practice and its Patients.
- To give doctors and patients the opportunity to discuss topics of mututal interest in the Practice.
One of the main aims of the Ferry Road PPG is to encourage Patients to become more aware of their own health care. We organise talks and events on subjects such as:
- First Aid & Accident Prevention
- How to manage Arthritis. Asthma and Diabetes
- Caring for your back
- How to cope with Stress
- What we eat and drink and how it affects our health
- A better understanding of Cancer and its treatment
- Alternative therapies
Other Groups have set up voluntary car schemes, self-help groups and weight loss clinics. Support has been arranged for the bereaved – whatever local Patients believe would benefit their own or other Patient’s Health.
We meet regularly to discuss matters affecting the Practice and its Patients. We are affiliated to NAPP (the National Association for PPGs).
For more details please contact Tony Moore, via the Surgery.